Psychedelic Afternoon

(60's dress-Wasteland SF  shoes-Ann Taylor, hat-Thrift, bangles-Thrift)

This weekend I went to the Power to the Peaceful Concert in Golden Gate Park.
Over 70,000 people were there to celebrate global peace and love through music.

Free spirit hippie dancing and of course great company with my brother, sister, boyfriend and friends made the concert a blast.
I picked up this groovy 60’s dress from Wasteland Haight Ashbury and I am obsessed with it.

When I saw it I hoped it would fit since it didn’t have a size label in it—and it fit me like a glove!

This dress was so comfortable to wear and it is impossible not to keep a smile on my face in it –the psychedelic colors and prints were definitely a hit at the concert.
 The dress even took one woman’s breath away—an older woman came over to compliment my dress and put her hand over her heart, rolled back her eyes and dropped her jaw when she found out it was a vintage 60’s dress.

I want to be a flower child and prance in a meadow bare foot playing the tambourine in this dress!

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