Treasure Island

(top-Urban Outfitters similar here, button down- Vintage 80s, cord jeggings- Gap, shoes- hand me down from mom similiar here, hat-Vintage, belt-80s similar here, Vintage, bag- Urban Outfitters similar here, necklace- Bloomingdale's similar here, earrings-Vintage via Chick A Boom Vintage, watch-Michael Kors, sunglasses -Crossroads)

This weekend I got to go to the Treasure Island Music Festival which was super fun. 
I went with Jennie and we had a whirlwind of fun from the second we got on the shuttle to go there.  The shuttle was more like a party  bus-- blasting Prince through the speakers was clearly a good sign that the day was going to be awesome. As soon as we got there I had to get my face painted.  We also got to shop at the Crossroads Trading Co. booth and participate in my ultimate favorite thing to do--crafts! 
The Workshop had a whole DIY tent where people could make friendship bracelets, spirt masks, beer koozies and dream catchers.
We learned how to make dream catchers which was magical and fun. 
Shopping at Crossroads, face paint, DIY dreamcatchers, pizza, beer and live music was what the day entailed--what more could a girl ask for?!


Nikki | The Ginger Diaries said...

I love this bright and mismatched outfit!it just works! I'm swooning over the red velvet pants :) x

stylecomb said...

I love your earrings, and that lip color is amazing on you.

Fashionista fuera de la Ciudad said...

Lovely sunglasses!! You look adorable and cool! xoxo

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